Learn Your Stripes Podcast
Hosted by two experienced high school and college football officials, Ryan Guillory and Michael Moran, Learn Your Stripes Podcast is a discussion of the Indiana High School Sports Association (IHSAA) Mechanics Manual and Best Practices for a Crew of Five, CFO and NFHS rules and mechanics, and discussions with numerous experienced officials.
Learn Your Stripes Podcast
Episode 28: The Goal Line, Part 1
Ryan Guillory and Michael Moran
On this episode, Michael and Ryan begin an examination of rules, scenarios, and mechanics for plays involving the goal line.
You can find us on Facebook at Learn Your Stripes Podcast, on Twitter @LYS_podcast, on Instagram @learnyourstripespodcast, and at learnyourstripespodcast.com. We also have a Discord channel for Learn Your Stripes, where we want to discuss rules and mechanics with you.
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